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FAQ: Installation and Upgrade in the SAP System

With a few exceptions, all PBS products are supplied as SAP add-on packages. The respective software components are listed in the SAP system if you call the option "Status" from the menu "System" and choose the icon "Details" in the field "Product Version". Our software components start with "PBS". Based on the information in the columns "Release" and "Level", the highest imported final release and support package can be determined.

The PBS transport research (transaction /PBS/UTIL_Z9CP) displays all transports and packages for a specific PBS module.

Using the Tool for version adjustment in the PBS online helpdesk, you can determine if the latest available status is used in your system. The tool determines which packages need to be imported to update your system.

You can find the current final releases and support packages for the PBS archive add ons in the Download area of our Online Helpdesk. Support packages can be downloaded there. You have the option to send a request to the PBS sales team if you need a final release.

During upgrade with target release ECC 6.0 (incl. enhancement packages) choose the option "KEEP" or "KEEP (with vendor key)", if possible, to keep the PBS level. Request the necessary vendor key via a support request from the PBS hotline .

During the upgrade with target release S/4HANA, you need a so-called attribute change package instead of vendor keys. You can request it via a support request from the PBS hotline . Send a transport research for all affected PBS modules (transaction /PBS/UTIL_Z9CP) to the hotline to provide you the appropriate attribute change packages for your level.

After the upgrade, the PBS modules should be updated to the latest level. If another delivery for the PBS products is available for the target release, this has to be imported. The necessary delivery packages are provided in the download area via the Online Helpdesk or via the support request of the PBS Hotline.

The upgrade procedure during the upgrade to EHP8 differs from the previous upgrade procedures (see also SAP note 2318321). Please also see the PBS note 17986. This note will be updated, if required. You can display it via the Notes Search in the PBS Online Helpdesk.

The PBS packages are provided with import conditions. This error indicates that they have not been fulfilled. Check which condition has not been fulfilled using the transaction SAINT -> Goto -> Support Packages in the system. Import missing packages, if necessary. If different precondition sets are displayed, fulfilling one of them is sufficient.

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